

Benjamin, L., & Wang, S. (2022). One size doesn’t fit all: Forms of social technology differentially predict distress. Communication Research Reports, 39(2), 80-92. DOI: 10.1080/08824096.2022.2037542

Benjamin, L., Ni, X.-T., & Wang, S. (2021). Implicit support differs across five groups in the U.S., Taiwan, and Mexico. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(4), 675-683. DOI: 10.1037/cdp0000471

Chang, J., Wang, S., Mancini, C., McGrath-Mahrer, B., & Orama de Jesus, S. (2020). The complexity of cultural mismatch in higher education: Norms affecting first generation college students’ coping and help-seeking behaviors. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 26(3), 280-294.

Wang, S. & Lau, A. S. (2018). Ethnicity moderates the benefits of perceived support and emotional expressivity on stress reactivity for Asian Americans and Euro Americans.  Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(3), 363-373.

Repetti, R. L., & Wang, S. (2017). Effects of job stress on family relationships. Relationships and Stress special issue for Current Opinion in Psychology, 13, 15-18.

Atal, Z., Wang, S., & Biella, R. (2017). The effects of brief contact on mental illness stigma: Preliminary evidence from an Italian vocational rehabilitation center. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 46, 399-405.

Wang, S., & Repetti, R. (2016). Who gives to whom?: Testing the support gap hypothesis with naturalistic observations of couple interactions. Journal of Family Psychology, 30(4), 492-502.

Tsai, W., Sun, M., Wang, S., & Lau, A. S. (2016). Implications of emotion expressivity for daily and trait interpersonal and intrapersonal functioning across cultural groups. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 7(1), 52-63.

Wang, S., & Lau, A. S. (2015). Mutual and non-mutual social support: Cultural differences in the psychological, behavioral, and biological effects of support-seeking. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(7), 916-929 

Louie, J. Y., Wang, S., Fung, J. J., & Lau, A. S. (2014). Children’s emotional expressivity and teacher perceptions of social competence: A cross-cultural comparison. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 39(6), 497-507.

Wang, S., & Repetti, R. L. (2014). Psychological well-being and job stress predict marital support behavior: A Naturalistic observation study of dual-earner couples in their homes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(5), 864-878.

Lau, A. S., Wang, S., Fung, J. J., & Namikoshi, M. (2014). What happens when you can’t read the air? Cultural fit and aptitude by values interactions on social anxiety. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33(10), 853-866.

Repetti, R. L., & Wang, S. (2014). Employment and parenting. Parenting: Science and Practice, 14(2), 121-132.  

Campos, B., Wang, S., Plaksina, T., Repetti, R. L., and Schoebi, D. (2013). Positive and negative emotion in the daily life of dual-earner couples with children. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(1), 76-85.

Boerner, K., & Wang, S. (2012). Targets for rehabilitation: An evidence base for adaptive coping with visual disability.  Rehabilitation Psychology, 57(4), 320-327.

Boerner, K., & Wang, S. (2012). Goals with limited vision: A qualitative study of coping with vision-related goal interference in midlife. Clinical Rehabilitation, 26(1), 81-93.

Wang, S., Repetti, R. L., & Campos, B. (2011). Job stress and family social behavior: The moderating role of neuroticism. Journal of Occupational Health Psych, 16(4), 441-456.

Repetti, R. L., Wang, S., & Saxbe, D. (2011). Adult health in the context of everyday life. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 42(3), 285-293.

Wang, S., Shih, J. H., Hu, A. W., Louie, J. Y., & Lau, A. S. (2010). Cultural differences in daily support experiences. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(3), 413-420.

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Boerner, K., & Wang, S. (2010). How it matters when it happens: Life changes related to functional loss in middle-aged compared to older adults. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 70(2), 163-179.

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Repetti, R. L., Wang, S., & Saxbe, D. (2009). Bringing it all back home: How outside stressors shape families’ everyday lives. Current Directions in Psychological Science,18,106-111.

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Wang, S., & Campos, B. (2017). Cultural experiences, social ties, and stress: Focusing on the HPA axis.  In J. M. Causadias, E. H. Telzer, and N. A. Gonzales (Eds.) Handbook of Culture and Biology. New York: Wiley.

Wang, S., & Repetti, R. L. (2013). After the workday ends: How jobs impact family relationships.  In A. L. Vangelisti (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Family Communication 2nd Edition (pp. 409-423). New York: Routledge. 

Repetti, R. L., Saxbe, D., & Wang, S. (2013). Stress. In E. Ochs and T. Kremer-Sadlik (Eds.) Fast-Forward Families (pp. 174-191).  California: University of California Press.

Repetti, R. L., Wang, S., & Sears, M. (2013). Using direct observational methods to study the real lives of families: Advantages, complexities, and conceptual and practical considerations. In J. G. Grzywacz and E. Demerouti (Eds.) New Frontiers in Work and Family Research (pp. 172-189). New York: Psychology Press & Routledge.

Liu, L. L., Wang, S., Fung, J., Gudiño, O. G., Tao, A., & Lau, A. S. (2011). Strengths and challenges in the development of Asian American youth: Contributions of cultural heritage and the Minority Experience. In E. Chang and C. Downey (Eds.) Handbook of Race and Development in Mental Health. New York: Springer.

Repetti, R. L., & Wang, S. (2009). Work-family spillover. In H. T. Reis and S. K. Sprecher (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (pp. 1694-7). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Repetti, R. L., & Wang, S. (2009). Parent employment and chaos in the family.  In G. W. Evans and T. D. Wachs (Eds.) Chaos and its influence on children’s development: An ecological perspective (pp. 191-208).  Wash, DC: American Psychological Association.

Repetti, R. L., & Wang, S. (2009). Work-family spillover. In H. T. Reis and S. K. Sprecher (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (pp. 1694-7). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Repetti, R. L., & Wang, S. (2009). Parent employment and chaos in the family. In G. W. Evans and T. D. Wachs (Eds.) Chaos and its influence on children’s development: An ecological perspective (pp. 191-208). Wash, DC: American Psychological Association.